Hello every body and welcome to my special webpage on the internet. I think you must know my name by now, but just in case it is Stavros Asbestos if you do not. My special webpage take me many hours to make so I hoping you like it! I am also sorry for my bad English, but I am learning everday!
I come from a small town of fishing in Greece. There is only Greek music there and I like this music, but I also very like the sexy disco party music from the UK and the USA.
I come to the UK on a small boat to play my sexy disco party music because in Greece they throw me in the water when I do this and my hair becomes sad. I am very excited to be here in this beautiful country with so much great people and parties like I see on the television and shiny magazines.
Let us drink ouzo, dance and kiss and touch many times!
Love Stavros x
P.S there is a picture of me